Billy White, Jr. is one of the best guitar players you’ve never heard. But his recent album Just Another Guitar Player From Texas may change that. Besides being scary good he shares something else with many of his fellow Texas pickers: a near-defiant refusal to be defined stylistically.

Major drawing points are the double-tracked lead of “The Northbound Curve” (which owes a lot to “Hotel California”-era Eagles), the horn driven 70’s-style soul of “Temporary Insanity” (one of several cuts featuring Chuck Rainey on bass), the lively two-step and swing of “You’re on Your Own”, the old-school swing of “Flexible” and the smoky blues of “How Blue” in which he demonstrates a truly impressive vibrato.

White’s brilliant guitar is reason enough to pay attention and when he cranks it with his buzzsaw solo on “Insanity”, you can feel the hair being singed right off your ears.

Rick Allen, Vintage Guitar magazine, 2010


“Spectacular country picking here and he can sing. The Telecaster rolls in “Don’t Leave Me Standing Here” and the instrumental hoedown “Brunagulax” will have you envying White’s command. An acoustic cover of Bernie Leadon and Gene Clark’s “Train Leaves Here This Morning” is right on time too.”

Rick Allen, Vintage Guitar magazine, 2013

“This Texan artist offers a great mix of country ballads, Hillbilly and Western Swing with a few excellent country rock songs. In short: a pleasure to listen to for each lover of traditional country music. "

Valsam,, 2012

“Timeless country and honky tonk from a very fine singer and great instrumentalist from Texas.”

Cis Van Looy, Keys and Chords, 2012

“From Honky Tonk up-tempo tunes to tearjerkers and dance hall floor killers you’ll find everything on this amazing album. For ten tracks long Billy White, Jr. knows how to entertain his audience. We certainly won’t miss out his next album. 100% Traditional country!”

Rate (1-5):

Patrick Van Hauwaert, Billy Bop, 2012


“Very tradition conscious though not a all dusty. Real country music from a real expert!”

Max Achatz, Country Jukebox, 2013

“It is DANDY, traditional country without pop influence and other unnecessary fuss. Mr. White Jr. has a great voice for this kind of music.

It is easy to recommend the CD to fans of great country music. Billy White Jr. turns out to be a devil on guitar. Just listen to the instrumental song "Brunagulax" (but don’t ask me what the title means) and in the same song you will have exemplary performances on piano by Brian Piper and also steel by Milo Deering.

I am certainly eager to see what Billy White Jr. will find the next time. Until then, I'm enjoying songs like "The Future Ain’t What it Used to Be" about how people long ago imagined the future we live in today would look like, the old-fashioned charming "What Does It Take to be a Cowboy" about a boy who wants to be like Roy Rogers and the tougher, twanging groove of "A Little Hitch". A varied plate.”

Robert Ryttman,, 2012


“This album is a testament to [Billy’s] production and musicianship with songs from out and out honky tonkers to moving reflective numbers with a touch of Western and even a bit of a hoedown (Brunagulax) thrown in as well. I also liked the way he points out that “no tuning software was used in the production”. Much to recommend and I look forward to hearing more from Billy White, Jr.”

Duncan Warwick, Country Music People Magazine, 2013

“My absolutely positive or I like this album! [It] is extremely good and should not be missing in any Country music collection.”

Conclusion: 5 of 5 Stars!

Dirk Berndt,, 2013


“His indeed a haven of peace throughout the CD. It never becomes aggressive or sluggish even in stronger times, but instead keeps a certain reassuring coolness. A quiet strength, the voice of a wise man.

The guitar comes alive in its interaction with the pedal-steel in the purest tradition and in this way forms the basis of an album that knows how to get the perfect balance.

Recorded in the Lone Star State, this CD be an excellent representative. As they say there, "Hat's Off"!”

Jay Radio, The American Show, 2013

“A talented, traditional and timeless country music artist who knows how to let the western swing, honky tonk, country rock and another classic. He sings with exceptional clarity and the songs you know the first time you hear them, as if they were old hits from the country charts. But everything is new and everything is private. And it does not matter that it breathes a little perfectionism throughout production. It's not the boring kind of perfectionism, it is about a skill in every detail. Here comes a man from Texas who has learned how classic country music should sound and he wants us to hear exactly how clean and elegant it can get without forgetting that it is the emotions of the music and the lyrics that make us want to hear more.”

Rune Häger,, 2013

“Mainstream country with a rock beat and enough going on to keep it interesting - the instrumental ‘Brunagulax’, is a monster.”

R2 Rock n’ Reel Magazine, 2013


“Classic country from a Cowboy in modern clothes. After a while, we find that he has humor too. Recommended!”

Rune Häger,, 2013

"Billy White, Jr. is not 'Just Another Guitar Player From Texas' as his album title would lead you to believe. What I heard when listening to Billy was a guy who really knows music and ain't afraid to share that knowledge with the world.

An honest look into real life is what Billy White, Jr. is giving us...and it's an album that I feel would be well worth buying."

Senseitional, I Am Entertainment Magazine (Jul 20, 2011)